Alberta Basic Security Training (ABST) Practice Exam 2024

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Question: 1 / 50

Under the Liquor License Act, as an agent of the owner, what does a security guard have the right to do if someone appears drunk or intoxicated?

Use force to remove the person because they are dangerous to themselves and others

Ask the person to leave and/or refuse to allow the person to enter the premises

A Using force to remove someone, even if they appear drunk, can be dangerous and escalate the situation. It is not the responsibility of a security guard to physically remove someone from a premises, but to de-escalate the situation and ensure the safety of all customers. C: While it is important for a security guard to communicate with the bartender and other staff about potentially intoxicated customers, it is not their role to control the serving of alcohol. Their focus should be on addressing any safety concerns and keeping the premises secure. D: The job of a security guard is not to follow individuals around and act as a bodyguard. Their role is to maintain safety and security for the premises as a whole, not to selectively target one person.

Tell the bartender to not serve them anyone and escort them to the washroom

Follow them around the bar like a bodyguard and if they do anything dangerous, arrest them